Jim Kelly
Jim has studied martial arts since 1992. He has traveled the world teaching and training with leading experts, including the founding father of Gracie Jiu Jitsu. Mr. Kelly has studied under Grandmaster Helio Gracie and Grandmasters Flavio Behring and Alvaro Berreto, as well as Masters Relson and Rickson Gracie, Master Ricardo Murgel, Master Silvio Behring, Professors Royler, Rolker, and Royce Gracie,
and Carlos, Rigan, John, Jean-Jacques, and Roger Machado. Jim has competed and won many of the top events in both Gi and No Gi competitions, including the Brazilian regional and state championships, Grapplers Quest, The Arnold Classic, and the US Open. Jim is a veteran of the special operations community since 1992, and has provided special operations support to US Government Agencies in support of the world-wide fight on terrorism. He is an instructor in several martial arts and self-defense systems under world-renowned instructors. Jim has conducted training at the request of many of the nation’s elite special operation units, personnel, and government agencies onsite worldwide. Jim is a highly sought after consultant and instructor for his unique combination of skills which include real-world experience, depth of knowledge, and his ability to teach this to his students.